Donation & Fundraising


BE A BOBCAT BOOSTER! Make a donation to Hilltop Heritage PTA for $25

Choose your Bob! Pick a color of “Bob” the bobcat (red, black or white) to go along with your $25 donation.


Hilltop Heritage PTA raises money to fund field trips, guest speakers, athletics and to support teachers and classroom projects. We have many ways for you to participate!

Fred Meyer Rewards Programs – You can help Hilltop Heritage earn money just by registering your Fred Meyer Rewards Card. Register on Once you sign up, choose the Hilltop Heritage PTA as your charity of choice and a percentage of your purchases at your local store will then be donated to your students school’s PTA.

It’s easy, free and they really do send us a check!

Company Gift Matching – Does your company have an Employee Giving Program?  Hilltop Heritage Middle School PTA is a non-profit 501(c)3 and is eligible for many gift matching programs.  Many local companies offer gift matching.

NEW! Use Amazon Smile to donate to Hilltop Heritage PTA
Checkout another great way to support Hilltop Heritage PTA!

Box Tops for Education – Box Tops are each worth 10¢ for your school. Clip Box Tops from each package. Send the Box Tops to school in a baggie.  Write your child’s Homeroom Teacher on the bag as we have some Homeroom incentives from time to time.

If you have any questions about the above items, please email us at